Contact us about VPS and dedicated server pricing.
We promise 99.9% uptime all day, every day. And it's protected by our money back guarantee.
Cloudflare is a website optimization technology which uses a number of techniques to improve your site performance. By routing your traffic through their global network, Cloudflare will inspect and filter out malicious requests, unwanted traffic, and other resource draining requests. In addition to filtering traffic, Cloudflare also provides caching for static content through their CDN style setup.
We understand that first impression might not be lasting impressions. That's why we include a 15 day money-back guarantee.
Small business is the bread and butter of our company. We offer all the addons and additional services a small business needs to be successful online:
Our use of only solid State Drives (SSDs) means your website will run up to 10 times faster!
Backups are made daily. You'll never have to worry about losing your data again!
The availibility of CloudFlare technology means that your website will run smoothly, even during times of heavy use.
Our team has years of experience in both the tech industry and the business world. We know what you need and work hard to provide it. Here's what makes us unique: